I can show you how to turn adversity into new opportunities. I did it. So can you!

 Let's face it. We don't want to hear about adversity. We think we might attract it. However, someone once elegantly said, "God uses adversity as his manure for spiritual growth." Yuk! 

The Bible says "Jesus learned obedience through the things He suffered." What a strange verse. If God used adversity to teach His on Son, then I doubt I am going to avoid it. The good news is you don't have to be defeated by your adversities. I am living proof. I had some major adversities in the 90s that lasted 7 years, but God saw me through.

You see, I lost my wife, my wealth, and my business -- all in 3 months. I went through a 7 year time of crisis. But God saw me through! In fact, I was able turn that adversity into a whole new calling and business. You can do the same! I will help you.

Now I help others see their way through, too. 
  • There are 4 reasons we could go through adversity. I'll reveal those reasons and help you navigate through them. 
  • Adversity is often the front door that leads to a larger story for your life. I'll know the process to the bigger story and can help you discover yours.
  • There are 6 unique stages to fulfilling your God-sized dream. I'll reveal those six stages and I'll help you realize your dreams. 
  • ​I can show you have to navigate difficult seasons in life to leverage it for new opportunities. 
...you learn this and a WHOLE lot more in the Change Agent MasterMentor program

Hi, I'm Os Hillman.

I've been helping leaders like you  discover and fulfill their purpose in life and work for over 35 years. I owned an ad agency for 12 years and for the last 35 years I have been training leaders in 26 countries and authored 19 books. I'd love to help you fully fulfill God's destiny for your life.